In the Planète Robots magazine N°16 from June 23rd, 2012, available in newsstands, an article presents the UFOCatch® detection station, in the section “Nos lecteurs ont du talent” (“Our readers got talents”)

In the Planète Robots magazine N°16 from June 23rd, 2012, available in newsstands, an article presents the UFOCatch® detection station, in the section “Nos lecteurs ont du talent” (“Our readers got talents”)
The french magazine TV Star, published in august 2012, had devoted a few lines to UFO-Science and the diffraction gratings in of its articles.
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Sorry, this entry is only available in Français.
Real conditions tests of our detection stations UFOCATCH® V1 and UFOCATCH® V2, driven by a “vigie”; a lookout in a vehicle.