During the last days, many tests done with the software Théodolite, for IPhone and IPad, associated to some works of our own on GoogleMap application, have shown that a large number of technical solutions can be found to allow large scale management of spectrum data potentially acquired from UFO observations.
Toward a centralized and automated processing of photographic data
In order to set up a structure able to centralize technical and spectral data, we here announce the launch of the project : V.I.G.I.E : “Visual Integrated Geolocalisation for Identification Experiment“.
A two-fold system
The first part is the automated recording of pictures acquired from mobile devices and received by email.
When observing a light phenomenon, just take a picture of it with an imaging device equipped with a diffraction grating and immediately send it to V.I.G.I.E email address. Pictures and associated parameters are automatically recorded.
Over the ability to record spectrum calibration data, helpful for future UFO spectrum pictures analysis, the second function of this system consists in extracting, sorting and recordgin geolocation data whenever the imaging device capabilities allow it. Exact location of where pictures have been taken can then automatically be displayed on a map.
For the moment, the whole system is still in its development phase, but since technical solutions have already been found and evaluated, we are technically able to start a large scale tests phase. The automatic acquisition system only needs now to be fully qualified with many different pictures coming from imaging devices of various types. The website interface will evolve in the coming weeks.
Visit our website http://vigie.ufo-science.com if you want to make up your mind of the system capabilities.
How to get part of it ?
If you want to be part of this project, this is very simple :
- I own a diffraction grating : put the grating in front of the lense and take – best case – a picture of a streetlight sodium bulb (switched on, by night, giving orange light). Distance to streetlight should be over 30 meters. Pay attention to correctly center the bulb in the picture.
- I do not own a diffraction grating : you can get one – either as a slide, or a self-adhesive for mobile phone, by visiting our website. You can anyhow take a picture under same conditions as described above while waiting for your diffraction grating.
If you have a mobile phone equipped with an imaging device with geolocation capabilities (GPS and/or compass). Think to activate it before shooting, to simultaneously record geolocation data.
Once shooting is done, send pictures to the email address mentioned here above, and indicate the diffracting grating type used (self-adhesive or slide).